Thursday, December 29, 2011

Holiday season comes to an end

Hi everyone. Isn't it nice to be able to put away the decorations, take down the trees, etc. We worked out at the museum today taking down the tree and packing away the decorations. Decided that tree has seen it's day, and we really should get a different one, one that is easy to tote there, and easy to assemble.

Then when I got home I took down the rest of the decorations and packed them away. I'm ready for spring. LOL Seriously, we need rain in California. Last year we had it in abundance. But this year is really dry. And cold. There was only a little sunshine today, and it never really warmed up, but the nights are getting warmer, so the days will be too. When it's grey and gloomy it is hard to feel cheerful.

I'm on a Project Runway marathon watching afternoon right now. The new season will start in another week or so and I'l be ready to watch with the same high hopes as I have every year, to see something amazing or special. While I have seen lots of good fashions, I don't always agree with the judges. Fortunately I have some friends who watch the show and we do our own critiques. We more often than not, agree. And when we don't agree we at least listen to each other's ideas and opinions.

Only two more days left of this year. I've got to set some goals, and also reread the blog for the last year on New Year's Eve. It's my own little celebration of all that's happened during the past year. Join me for the count down?

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