Monday, December 21, 2009

Dicken's Faire

After more than three decades missing this wonderful event, the family and I made it a point to get there on Saturday. It was my gift for them, instead of buying presents. And what a good time was had by all. They loved the costumes, and the whole atmosphere. It was magical. Here are a few pics from the faire. It was held at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. Goodness knows San Franciscans will dress up at the drop of a hat, and they went all out on this. Men, women, children all in such interesting costumes. Maybe we'll dress up for it next time we go. There were long lines waiting to buy tickets to get in, and once inside it was crowded - but it was such a special treat to be there, I could overlook that. I always found a seat to watch the performances. To keep track of each other we used cell phones. I used the phone more there than I have all year. If you have a chance to go to this sometime - I'd recommend it.

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