Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sheepish apology

For those of you who pop in to check the blog periodically, I apologize for neglecting you. I've had a really busy time lately, as probably most of you are too, with the approaching holidays looming ahead. Baking, shopping, decorating, partying, and trying to use up dental insurance before end of year. Those are my excuses, not in any particular order.

The Mixed media group had the annual Tea yesterday in Sacramento. Tomorrow is Candis' holiday concert, but first I'll be painting at the Senior Center in a.m. and dental appt in afternoon. The whole week looks like that.

The best thing that happened all week is that Amazon delivered the new piece I needed for my computer and my son Matt got it installed this a.m. Now, I should be able to stay online for indefinite periods without the network connection overheating and turning itself off. This makes blogging a lot more fun. I'll be posting more pics of recent work soon. Hope you are enjoying the blessings of the season.

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