Monday, March 18, 2013

Mid March

We have been blessed with a glorious early March weather system here in Northern California's Central Valley.    Trees blossoming all around us, everything green and springing to new life.     The lilacs are starting to bloom.  The French ones start first and always surprise me because the buds do not swell big like the white ones do.    They just seem to go from dead branch to blooms in the blink of an eye.     Trevor helped cut them way back this past winter.   I didn't want them touching the back of the studio and I got tired of ducking under them to go around the studio on the pathway.   

Beside the house and on the Eastern side of the garden are the white lilacs.   The newer ones bloom first and they are sending up new shoots all the time.   I'll have a lilac hedge if I'm not careful.      They take a lot of tending with the pruning back, and raking leaves but it's worth it to have these few weeks of glorious blooms.  

I have a cold.   Old fashioned drippy, sneezy, sore throat kind of cold.     I can't smell the lilacs.   Or anything else.   The cinnamon bread I baked yesterday wasted it's fragrence on me.     I could not detect it at all.   How disappointing.    I froze half of it, and when my nose works again I'll enjoy the smell as I toast it.   

In the family news department, Candis was in a school concert last Monday.   Before my cold started.   So I got to see the performance.     I look forward to these, and with the visiting with son and DIL as we stand in line for an hour to get good seats.

Trevor turned 21.     How did that happen?     Good gosh.    This pic was taken about 10 years ago with Matt and Chris.
DIL Chris is reading my friend Pat Henshaw's newly released novel "Vampires: The FoodChain".    Hope she will soon be writing a review for Pat.      It's available on as a download to Kindle.
Matt's truck was out of commission for over 4 days, which means he was home stewing - unable to make the runs he had on  his schedule.   Good news is the truck is up and running again and so is Matt.
Nathan went to a Celtic Faire with friends - a new experience for him. 
Dogs are fine, they like me being home so they get  more naps.  They are not sitting on the back of the big chair in the window watching for my car to turn the corner and pull into the driveway.   

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