Friday, April 24, 2009

What's new here

I have been so busy, I just didn't take time to blog. Gardening class took a walking tour of the demonstration gardens at Delta College on our last day, and then celebrated the end of semester with a lovely cake. These pics are the gardening class. And Julie, our instructor, receiving her book created by a collaboration of Nancy, Rosemary, and myself. It turned out beautifully and she seemed thrilled with it - and totally surprised. It is open to pages created by Nancy. Rosemary did the binding and it was the perfect touch with a little shovel attached to the cover.

We have had a heat spell, quite unexpectedly that lasted for several days. It was a good thing for my art, because I stayed home. It was even too hot for the dog park. The studio was warm in the morning, an oven in the afternoon - but in the evening it was perfect. So I put in some long hours and the new painting is done. Will post a pic later. During the heat of the day, while I was inside I cleaned out three closets that were crammed full of my clothes. I donated probably 15 bags of clothes and purses to the local shelter. My clothes look so much better hanging, I can find things and there is room to hang my t-shirts again. I feel like it was time well spent.

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