Saturday, August 29, 2009

Treadmills of my life

This has been one of those weeks with something going on every blessed day! I feel like I've been on a treadmill, trying at the same time to finish off a piece of art to exhibit, and a couple more that are in the works. The Poison altered book was retitled to Crimes of Passion, but when I entered it, I assigned it a new title. "What's Love Got to Do With It?" from the Tina Turner movie. I had to add a heart inside and another one to the cover, but it added another twist and will make the viewers think more about motivations and relationships. I submitted it yesterday for jurying. I'm very hopeful it will get in the show. Sally came into town today and submitted four collage/painting pieces. I'm rooting for her too. I'd love to see her work in the gallery - it would be a breath of fresh air there.

I'm still working away on the AB on Shrines by the Side of the Road. We are having another heat wave so I'm staying inside this afternoon. It's too hot to breathe outside right now. Paint dries as soon as it touches the paper. Same with glues.

Tomorrow is the Mixed Media Group in Sacramento. If it does not cool off some, I won't go. I'm hoping the temperature will drop because the meetings are so much fun and so inspiring.

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