Monday, February 18, 2008

Homelessness Project changes directions

Due to the responses I've had when I've shown preliminary pieces of the work at various venues, I'm rethinking the homelessness project. Everywhere I present it, people get very uncomfortable and nervous. They almost want to look away, just as they do with HL people. I think the images and the whole thing may be too controversial and (may I use the word?) "DISTURBING" . I took some of my new paintings to an art group on campus, and most people liked one - but one was enough for them. I made a few of the boxes and passed them around at an art group meeting - and they were met by silence. People seemed embarassed by not knowing what to say. The images are just too compelling and maybe we all are secretly afraid we might end up homeless - the whole issue is just too emotionally charged. And let's face it, people are very divided on their feelings about homelessness.

Well, art is supposed to shake things up, to make people think, to take them out of their comfort zone. In this, I have been successful. I certainly made some people squirm.

I now think this exhibit is more suitable for an urban gallery where people wander around and talk about the art and study things in depth. Where people can really get in touch with the subject and their feelings about it. But, I personally have no desire to mount such an exhibit in that venue at least not at this time.

Typically, I show altered books at the La Selva Show. So, I'm going back to my original idea of the altered book format with supplemental boxes. That way I can try out the subject matter, without devoting an entire space to it, and I can read the viewers responses. It will not have the same impact as a gallery but it may create some conversations and awareness. Viewing an altered book is a very intimate personal experience, and although it won't reach as many people, it may reach them on a deeper level. That is my hope.

I want to thank all of you for your stories, your good wishes, and moral support. I believe we can all make a difference in our own ways in our own communities. Our hearts are in the right place, we just need to find ways to "make it work".

So, sadly, I am giving up the idea of creating this extended project/exhibit, and therefore, the group I formed to communicate about it. If anyone wants to pick up the torch, and if there is anything I can do to help, you are welcome to email me privately at momzart101@yahoo. com.

I will shut down the group site on Feb. 28th. If there is anything on the site you want to copy for your own records, you need to do it before then. If you have already made some art for this project, please use it someway in your own community. And I urge you to keep your eyes and hearts,(and purses)open and continue to look for ways to help those who are in need. Janene

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I've been wandering around in my own little world and not keeping up with your big project. I am more than a little relieved to hear your decision to pull back a bit on your idea. It is a squirmy subject and I have to say there seem to be a lot of ways to view the "homeless problem" and apparently no one way to solve it.
Hope you are still hopeful.