Friday, May 29, 2009

Legitimate at last

I have been thinking about why I went to all the trouble and angst of entering art shows, and even juried art shows at this time of life. Well, I take my art very seriously, and my friends, art groups, and family are supportive, but I think I needed to have it accepted by legitimate traditional art venues. I wasn't thinking of it at the time I decided to go that route, but now that it is over and done with, I believe this is what motivated me. First place awards in four out of four shows. That's pretty damn good for someone who had never tried showing art outside of my comfort zone - La Selva Beach. My aunt Verna Mae would have been so proud of me, it's what she always wanted me to do. And somewhere in heaven she's telling my mom and dad what a big thing this is and they will all be proud and smiling. I was always legitimate, and now my art is too. Cool. This photo is of my parents in their 80's.

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