Friday, July 29, 2011

I'm so blessed, but mornings are hard

Every morning I would have a message waiting in my inbox from Jaxx. She gets us earlier than I do. Waaayyyy earlier. So by the time I'm getting started with my day, she's already had a morning walk, some garden time and even more. So, I usually start my day with carrying my old dog downstairs to the garden for his walk, then upstairs again, turn on my lap top and make my bed. Then I get my bowl of cereal and sit down at the computer to read what wonders J observed on her walk, and what her plans are for the day. What book she is reading, what movie they watched last night. The state of the garden. The neighbors chickens. The hummingbirds at the feeder. What they are going to have for lunch. What fun thing she might be going to do with Sophia.

Jackie takes such delight in that special sweet child. Sophia has been cradled in love since she was born. Everyone dotes on that child. Sweetness and goodness radiate from her. And Jaxx is her biggest fan. She paints with her, reads to her, helps her pick out tunes on the piano, etc. All things they enjoy together. Blowing bubbles, squirting water, watching seeds sprout. She says it is like looking at the world through new eyes, seeing things as Sophia sees them.

Then off and on during the day we'd check back in with each other. Usually at lunch time, and late afternoon, and last thing in the evening. I guess I never really thought about how much time we chatted away online. Sometimes it was just a few lines. An idea that struck us that we could share. I'm the one that is out and about, going to meetings, painting with pals, lunching with friends, etc. She could live that part of life through me. She particularly loved hearing about my dogs, my garden, my country place. Or trips to the beach. Or my new recipe sans salt. A new link to an art supply source, or a you tube tutorial. We shared the mundane parts of our lives. Troubles with ants in the kitchen. A scratch on the car. You know. Stuff.

I am so blessed having many friends. But, I miss my morning emails. This morning I got a lovely email from Roberta, and it was about Jackie. It made me cry, partly because what she wrote was so touching and beautiful, and also because I know I'll never get another email from Jackie. Mornings will never be the same.

Years ago, when I lost my aunt Verna Mae, I posted about her passing. How much she meant to me. One of the things Verna Mae taught me was the importance of keeping many friends. One reason is they enrich your life. Another one is - you don't want to be the last man standing. It is so hard to lose a good friend.

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