Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Turn in the Road - self revelation

Artist Friends - I had a mind altering experience. I've been working along on my assemblage pieces - and found to my great surprise that I really do not enjoy the process. It's hard on my hands, it's slow and tedious, the glues smell awful, the tools are difficult for me to use, and I'm throwing in the towel. I'm giving it up. All the stuff I've been hording for years to use this summer can now go to other artists who enjoy making 3 dimensional art. I emailed some of them already and I'm getting responses already.

When I had set aside the summer to explore this area of art, I had a feeling by Fall I would have had enough - never thinking for a moment that a week of it would have me itching to get back to my paints and altered books again. Whew! So, the Cirque will now be an altered book rather than a series of assemblages. That is dimensional enough for me. And it will be a joy to do.

You can't imagine what a relief it is to have made this discovery and know now what I can get rid of - and stop collecting. I'll probably buy things for friends that do assemblage - but I can stop collecting for me. Bring in the fork lift and dumpster!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Oh...I did so enjoy reading this ...I have been collecting "stuff" for "assemblaging" but keep putting it off because of some of the reasons you mention and also because it's not the sort of thing one should do INSIDE the house...and i have nowhere else to play!
My biggest problem tho' is to find the courage to "let go" of all that junk!...wouldn't it be like giving away little bits of one's self???..vbg